LifeRecipes June 30, 2017 Happy 4th of July! Guys, can you believe that it is almost the 4th of July? I don't know… Mica Love0
ChangeLife November 8, 2016 Election Day 2016 Find your joy... So, what do the head cowboy and his wife think about the… Mica Love0
FamilyLifeRanch November 2, 2016 I Lead a Double Life… While I don’t actually lead a double life in the scintillating way you might have… Mica Love0
LifeRecipes July 11, 2016 Pretty Cluckin’ Good at Stretching a Chicken (& a budget)!!! As many of you out there know, there’s a delicate balance between keeping in line… Mica Love0
FamilyRecipes April 26, 2016 Beef Brisket from Grandma Everyone has a memory tied to a sound, a smell or a taste. My grandma… Mica Love0
FamilyLifeRanch February 9, 2016 A Family Day at the Ranch So for now, there still isn’t an easy answer, other than to live where we… Mica Love0
Change February 10, 2015 Big Grocers know what we want. It is just up to us to change the paradigm. A few thoughts about the food system in America Mica Love0
Life January 12, 2015 Greenwashing. The new black. Have an “All Natural Burger” Recently a major fast food chain launched its own version… Mica Love0
Uncategorized November 18, 2014 Turning sentiments into votes When you buy beef from us it is casting a vote for sustainable agriculture, for… Mica Love0
Uncategorized October 10, 2014 Autumn Brings Optimism My favorite time of year is Autumn. It’s easy to like the springtime when all… Mica Love0
Life September 19, 2014 Show us your mess!! Hello readers! So about a year ago, I sat down to write my first blog.… Mica Love0
Ranch August 8, 2014 Want to SEE Where Your Beef Comes From? It's Summer and it time for those AWESOME Summer movies. So we here at Open Space… Mica Love0
FamilyUncategorized June 18, 2014 The New Addition I am going to make this post short and sweet. In my last post I… Mica Love0
FamilyUncategorized June 4, 2014 Taking the Reins Some of you know, but many of you don’t; that we are expecting our 3rd… Mica Love0
Ranch February 18, 2014 Drought… For those of us out West, drought is an all too familiar condition. If you… Mica Love0
Uncategorized January 6, 2014 Kleenex and a Keyboard …Today I dropped off our baby at kindergarten. It’s a weird feeling; to be happy… Mica Love0