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Happy Earth Day!!!



Hello Friends,

I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a happy Earth Day!  I hope you’ll be able to spend this day enjoying some of the lovely gifts Mother Nature has bestowed on us.

Opt outside!

Here are some ways to celebrate Earth Day (Thank you Google!):

  1. Park you car
  2. Recycle e-waste
  3. Plant your own edible garden
  4. Go solar
  5. Get outside
  6. Invest in a reusable coffee cup
  7. Turn off everything electronic
  8. BBQ Grass fed beef
  9. Use your own grocery bags (easy for us in CA)
  10. Make Earth Day about more than just today

Creek in Hornitos 

I bet you have a variety of other ways to celebrate our earth, I’d love to hear about them in the comment section!

We’re here to help with item number 9, with a coupon code for 10% off all New York steaks!  But don’t wait, this code will expire at the end of the month.


Thanks for being you and supporting us!

Mica 🙂


Author Mica

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